Accompany two young girls as they embark on an enchanting journey through a mystical academy, striving to be crowned as the most fashionable pupils! One of them is enrolled in the prestigious Witches' School, while the other is determined to master the art of enchantment, adorning herself in attire that would leave even princesses green with envy. Unleash your creativity as you experiment with unconventional fabrics like black leather and satin, crafting breathtaking ensembles that will captivate the hearts of all—even the most demanding princes. Immerse yourself in the whimsical realm of magical fashion, inside the magical walls of the School of Magic!
Aid the dynamic duo in their pursuit of becoming the trendiest pupils by meticulously selecting makeup, hairstyles, dresses, and accessories. Preserve your stunning creations as high-quality PNG images. Employ computer mouse clicks or touch screen controls for devices equipped with touch screens.